Friday 2 July 2021

Kate shepard

Today's post is about Kate Shepard, she was an amazing person, Kate protested for a very long time for woman's rights.In 1893 Kate Shepard and her fellow suffragists gathered the signatures (names)of nearly 32,000 women all over the globe to sign a petition.  Kate travelled the country,Writing to newspapers, holding public meetings  and lobbying  members  of the parliament. Then she had manged to finally get women the  right to vote. NZ was the first country in the world where women were able to vote.


1. She was born in Liverpool in 1847

2. She was on the 10$ note  because she granted new Zealander the first ever country in the world to ever vote in 1893

                                         Kate Shepard!!! 

Milk plastic

 Aim: to make into plastic

stove or microwave
Measuring cup
Measuring spoon
Milk 1 cup
Microwave it
white vinger
paper towels 
Food colouring (optional)
Or glitter

1 cup of milk in the pot
2 add hot milk to the pot with the vinger
3 It should start to curdle
4 stir with spoon
5 lay paper towels down
6 scoup curds out and lay them on a paper towel
7 fold paper towel and press so any left over lquid comes out
8 knead the curds till it turns into dough

activity 1

Kia ora,today during class time I have been having a look at the summer learning journey here is my work for activity 1 where you find a pic...
